Students will be entitled to transportation to and from school at the expense of the public schools when such transportation conforms to applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws.  Reimbursement to the school system for transportation costs is given by the Commonwealth only for (a) students living at least one and one half miles from school (b) students who live more than one mile from the nearest bus stop and (c) students with special needs for whom transportation must be provided.

Additionally, the Committee will provide transportation for students as follows:

Kindergarten:  All students, except those living in immediate proximity to the school, as determined by the Superintendent.

Grades 1 - 3:  Students living more than one mile from school.

Grades 4 - 6:  Students living more than one and one-half miles from school.

Grades 7 -12:  Students living more than two miles from school.

Exceptions to these guidelines may be made at the discretion of the Superintendent.  This will apply particularly to any student who must travel in a hazardous area to and from school. These students will be transported regardless of the mileage limits listed.

LEGAL REFS.:  M.G.L. 40:5; 71:7A; 71:68; 71B:5

CROSS REF.:  EEA, Student Transportation Services