The School Committee believes that student activities are a vital part of the total educational program, and that activities should be used as a means for developing wholesome attitudes, good human relations, knowledge, and skills. Therefore, the schools will provide a broad and balanced program of activities geared to the various ages, interests, and needs of students.

The following will serve as guides in the organization of student activities:

1.  The schools will observe a complementary relationship with the home and community when planning activities with due regard for the widespread and rich facilities already available to students.

2.  The assistance of parents in planning activity programs may be encouraged.

3.  The goal for each student will be a balanced program of appropriate academic studies and activities to be determined by the school, the parents/guardians, and the student. This should be a shared responsibility.

4.  Guidance will be offered to encourage participation of all students in appropriate activities and to prevent over-emphasis on extracurricular activities at the cost of academic performance.

5.  All activities will be supervised, and all clubs and groups will have an advisor designated by the Principal.

6.  Participation by students in programs of extra-curricular activities including interscholastic athletics is a privilege, and such participation shall be subject to the approval of the school principal and the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

7.  In reference to students on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or Section 504 plans participating in extracurricular activities, academic performance exceptions may be made if it is felt that participation is a therapeutic activity and is approved by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

8.  Student participants in any Framingham extracurricular activity must recognize that they represent their school, and that their behavior reflects on the school and the community.

Athletic and Co-Curricular Eligibility

Athletics and Co-curricular activities are privileges at Framingham High School. Our standards exceed MIAA standards as a minimum requirement for participation. Therefore, participants are required to be in good standing with regard to academics, attendance and student wellness. Standards for participation are outlined below. Administration reserves the right to deny participation on an individual basis for failure to meet these standards. For a more complete description of MIAA athletic eligibility, please refer to


To be eligible to participate in athletics and co-curricular activities, a student must pass a minimum of four major subjects and must have a minimum 70% cumulative average for each term immediately preceding the activity. For the purpose of this policy, major subjects are defined as courses in the English, History and Social Science, Mathematics, Science, and World Language departments, or other courses at the discretion of the school principal. If a student is ineligible for athletics, he/she may not participate in any team events, games, or practices. If a student is ineligible for co-curricular activities, he/she may not participate in meetings, rehearsals, or any club-sponsored activities. All freshmen are eligible for fall sports, but must meet the above criteria beginning in the winter season of their ninth grade year.


A student who is absent, suspended in-house, or suspended out of school may not participate in a game, rehearsal, practice, event, or meeting held on that day without the grade administrator's permission. If this occurs on Friday, the student may not participate in any activity held on Saturday or Sunday without the grade administrator's permission. For purposes of attendance, students must be present for at least half of the school day (7:25 am-10:45 am, or 10:45 am - 1:55 pm) to be considered present for that day. Students with extenuating circumstances who will be absent for more than half the day must request prior approval from their grade administrator to participate on that day.

Waiver Process for Participation in Co-Curricular Activities

If a student does not achieve the Framingham High School academic eligibility standard but meets the MIAA standard, the student will be entitled to two waivers. One waiver can be used during the first two years at FHS (grades 9/10) and the second waiver during the last two years (grades 11/12). The procedure to be issued a waiver is as follows:

•  With assistance from parents as needed, student completes the waiver form and creates a plan for academic improvement prior to the end of the following term. The form will be available in the main office and grade offices. The waiver form is due within three (3) calendar days after report cards are issued. Requests that are made beyond the three calendar days will not be honored.

•  The Principal and/or grade level Vice Principal, administrator associated with the program (arts/athletics), school counselor, advocate for the student (educator, coach, counselor chosen by the student), parents and the student will meet to review the academic improvement plan and make edits as appropriate. Absenteeism, tardiness, and behavior issues may be included as actionable items in the improvement plan as warranted. Once the plan has been reviewed and approved, the student may participate in extracurricular activities

•  Once the plan of action has been approved, the student and advocate will meet each cycle to monitor progress. School staff will communicate progress to parents throughout the term, and will make every effort to accommodate parents who wish to participate in the reviews.

Students who fall below the MIAA standard are not eligible for a waiver.

Students and parents will be notified of ineligible status with a designation on the term report cards, however they are encouraged to work with teachers to proactively monitor academic progress and standing throughout each term.

LEGAL REF.:  M.G.L. 71:47

603 CMR 26:06

This policy was updated and approved by the Framingham School Committee in Open Session on December 7, 2022.