While the School Committee recognizes that fundraising activities have become a part of the school environment at all levels, the Committee wishes to ensure that students are not exploited by the process. The Committee further recognizes that families have different resources; those differences should, as much as possible, not be highlighted by school activities, including fundraising.

The Committee supports student involvement in the sale of tickets to scheduled athletic events, school dramatic and musical performances, and other school events where sales are required. Also, student publications which require the sale of advertising to sustain themselves and serve the student body and/or the community may involve students in such sales.

Charitable fundraising activities, especially those that are part of a community service event or program are encouraged provided such proposals are submitted to and approved by both the building Principal and the Superintendent.

Other fundraising activities that would involve students in the fundraising process shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.

For safety reasons and because the School Committee recognizes that community members receive requests for support from many worthy causes, activities such as canning and door-to-door sales are strongly discouraged.

Fundraising activities may not involve competitions among students.  Students may not be rewarded with additional recess, snacks, activities or any type of prize for having raised larger amounts of funds or reaching fundraising goals.

No money collections of any kind may be held in the schools without the specific consent of the Superintendent.

SOURCE: MASC - Updated 2021

CROSS REFS.:  KHA, Public Solicitations in the Schools