The Superintendent and principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members concerning the importance of maintaining proper decorum in the on-line, digital world as well as in person. Employees must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from or disrupt the educational process. The orientation and reminders will give special emphasis to:

1.  Improper fraternization with students and any/all other Internet sites or social networks, or via cell phone, texting, or telephone

A.  Teachers may not list current students as "friends" on networking sites

B.  All electronic communication with students should be through the district´s official communication system and telephone system, except in emergency situations

C.  Teachers will not give out their private cell phone or home phone numbers without prior approval of the district

D.  Inappropriate contact via any means of communication is prohibited

2.  Inappropriateness of publicly posting items with sexual content

3.  Inappropriateness of publicly posting items exhibiting or advocating use of illegal or inappropriate substances, including but not limited to drugs, alcohol, tobacco or e- cigarette products, and prescription/over-the-counter/herbal medications

4.  Monitoring and penalties for improper use of district computers, tablets, and all relevant digital resources

5.  The possibility of penalties, including dismissal from employment, for failure to exercise good judgment in on-line conduct

6.  The importance of professionalism in all communication

7.  Adherence to student privacy rights and the rights of employees to have their personnel and medical information kept confidential. Information that is protected by law from disclosure to third parties will not be communicated online in a way that unreasonably exposes such information

8.  Records retention requirements for student data and transcripts