Information about staff members is required for the daily administration of the school system, for implementing salary and other personnel policies, for budget and financial planning, for responding to appropriate inquiries about employees, and for meeting the district´s education reporting requirements.  To meet these needs, the Superintendent will implement a comprehensive and efficient system of personnel records maintenance and control under the following guidelines:

1.  A personnel folder for each present and former employee will be accurately maintained in the central administrative office.  In addition to the application for employment and references, the folders will contain records and information relative to compensation, payroll deductions, evaluations, and any other pertinent information.  Personnel records will be maintained in compliance with state regulations.

2.  The Superintendent will be the official custodian for personnel files and will have overall responsibility for maintaining and preserving the confidentiality of the files within the provisions of the law.

3.  Personnel records are considered confidential under the law and will not be open to public inspection.  Access to personnel files will be limited to persons authorized by the Superintendent to use the files for the reasons cited above.

4.  Each employee will have the right, upon written request, to review the contents of his/her own personnel file.

5.  Employees may make written objections to any information contained in the file.  Any written objection must be signed by the staff member and will become part of the employee's personnel file.  Further, no negative comment will be placed in a staff member's file unless it is signed by the person making the comment and the staff member is informed of the comment and afforded the opportunity to include his/her written response in the file.

6.  Lists of school system employees' names and home addresses will be released only to governmental agencies as required for official reports or by the laws.

LEGAL REFS.: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Sec. 438, P.L. 90-247

Title IV, as amended

88 Stat. 571-574 (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and regulations

M.G.L. 4:7; 71:42C

CONTRACT REF.: All Agreements

CROSS REF.:  KDB, Public´s Right to Know