In accordance with state law, all grants and gifts to the District must be reviewed and accepted by the School Committee before expenditure. The School Committee will encourage the administration to seek and secure possible sources of state, federal, and other special funds that will enhance the educational opportunities for the children in alignment with district goals. The superintendent will submit for School Committee approval spending plans at the same cost center level as the district budget.

The Superintendent will be responsible for coordinating the development of proposals for all specially funded projects and for keeping the Committee apprised and updated on all such projects.

The Superintendent shall ensure the district has and follows a written set of procedures in grant administration that aligns with state and federal laws and regulations.

SOURCE: MASC Updated 2022

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 44:53A; 71:37A

2 CFR 200 Federal Uniform Administrative Requirements

NOTE: The district business office must have a state and federal grant manual with procedures aligned with state and federal law and regulation in order to comply with state granting requirements. The approval of such a document is not subject to the School Committee; the administration should ensure such a document is being followed.